Rx Monitoring Services
A Division of Avtron Power Solutions

Due to the inclement weather, Rx cannot guarantee order and shipment processing today (Thursday Feb 6th)

~RxMS Team

Click here to return to RxMS.com.

Order Power Quality Site Survey

Standard Service is for 10 days

If your company is new to working with Rx, please give us a call at
1-603-666-6606 (Option 3) before ordering online.
Please note that any order placed after 3PM EST/EDT or on the weekend will not be processed until the following business day.

In order to fulfill your order with accuracy, all applicable fields must be entered.
Fields marked with an asterisk(*) are required.

Order Information
*Your Company:
*Ordered By (Your Name):
*Phone Number:
*Email Address:Please Double-Check your email address
PO/Contract Number:Rx does NOT accept credit cards through this form.
Email Addresses For Report Distribution:
Installer Name:
Installer Phone Number:
Installer Email Address:
*New Install Or Existing System:
Site Address
Site Code or Serial Number:
Site Contact Name:
Site Contact Email:
*Site Phone Number:
*Site Name:
*Site Street Address 1:
Site Street Address 2:
*Site City:
*Site State/Other:
*Site Postal Code:
Site Country: Lookup: ISO Country Code
Ship To Address (Copy from Site Address)
As of 01/10/2012 A Shipping Address is required.
*Shipping ATTENTION:
Shipping Company:
*Shipping Phone Number:
*Shipping Street Address 1:
Shipping Street Address 2:
*Shipping City:
*Shipping State/Other:
*Shipping Postal Code:
Shipping Country:
Shipment Priority
*Date Monitor Should Arrive At Site:
Please select a valid date(mm/dd/yyyy).
The monitor will be shipped to arrive on this day.
*Shipping Method:
FedEx is the prefered Carrier
Typical package:
Weight: 20+lbs
Size: 17' x 20' x 8'
Shipments come from:
Rx Monitoring Services, Inc.
1 Sundial Ave
Suite 117
Manchester, NH 03103 US
Account Number:
Equipment Information
*Name/Model Of Equipment To Be Monitored:
*Plug/Receptacle Type Needed By Equipment:

If unsure, please describe plug in the 'Notes' section below
Equipment Age:Round to nearest month or year
Equipment Voltage:
Power Conditioner:
Generally, Rx staff will be able to determine the configuration of equipment needed for the survey. However, if you have any special requirements such as:
  • plugtype
  • long-term monitoring (specify duration)
  • multiple monitors, such as for input and output (specify amount)
  • only monitor temperature&humidity
  • or are having problems at the site
Please make note of them here.
Delete Cookie
I understand my order might not be shipped until the following business day.

Current Rx time: 06:01 PM
Please note that any order placed after 3:00PM EST/EDT and on the weekend will not be processed until the following business day.